I recently conducted a poll and asked the question …

“Should we judge or not “

We had fifteen (15) people respond to the poll
and the results  I thought , were indicative
of how most of us think concerning judgement.

I quoted Matthew  7:1  as the basis of my poll …

Judge not, that ye be not judged.
I referenced this scripture because  ,
this is the most often used  point of argument ,
in reference to judging each other.

The results of the poll were as follows :

  • 53 %  thought we should judge
  • 47 %  thought we should not judge

This is pretty much an even split of should and should not.
I am certain that this is probably pretty close to how we ,
as followers of Christ ,
think in terms of judging each other.

I asked that no comments be made , but to simply answer yes or no.
I did this to emphasize the difficulty of
just answering yes or no
to a question
with so many aspects ,
and so many applications.

The way in which a question is framed ,
must always determine the way in which it is answered.
The question posed ” should we judge  or not ”
isn’t really properly framed for the case in point referenced in Matt. 7:1 .
Although thousands upon thousands refer to this scripture
and declare We are not supposed to judge.
The scripture verse references

The truth is obvious that we ARE  to judge
The point in question is HOW we judge
whether hypocritically or righteously

If you will bother to take the time to read
verses 2 through 5  … you will see Jesus taught to first be judged
and then we can see clearly to judge rightly…

Matt 7 :  New Living Translation (NLT)
v 2 … For you will be treated as you treat others.* The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged.
v 3 … “And why worry about a speck in your friend’s eye* when you have a log in your own?
v 4 … How can you think of saying to your friend,* ‘Let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,’ when you can’t see past the log in your own eye?
Now here this …
v 5 … Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye;
then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye.


” Judging Others “

“Judging others” is an issue that has confused many people.
Unfortunately,  more often than not ,
when we  hear  “Don’t judge me”
“The Bible says”

It’s  usually flowing from the mouth of someone
who couldn’t even tell you
what Testament the book of Job is in;
or the believer that
paraphrases certain scriptures
without proper alignment
with other scripture.

2 Peter 1:20 … NLT
Above all, you must realize that no prophecy in Scripture
ever came from the prophet’s own understanding,
* Or is a matter of one’s own interpretation.

Isaiah 28:10    NLT
He tells us everything over and over—
one line at a time, one line at a time,
a little here, and a little there!”

The truths contained in scripture are inter-connected
and are built in a series of layers
and must be carefully placed together.
Just as the many faces of a prism
reflects various colors of one light
so the scriptures reflect various aspects of the same truth.

First and foremost ,  we  ALL  judge.
We are ALL at the mercy
of our own judgements
whether they be good or bad …

We are pressed continually to make judgements about each other.
This is an inescapable fact of living with other people.
Wisdom is making good judgements.
Foolishness is making bad judgements

Properly framed Matt. 7:1  tells us  ” how we are to judge each other  “.

Let’s understand that confusion arises when opinion is formed ,
based on evidence that is irrelevant to the question.

In the courtyard of our mind sits the judge ,
establishing our line of judicial reasoning ,
our judicial opinions  ,
and ultimately the judicial grounds
upon which we individually stand ,
determining the manner by which we believe
which in turn determines  the way we behave and therefor  live.

We  must establish our faith in the way
that will firmly ground us in truth.
It is NOT ENOUGH to haphazardly form opinion that may ,
or may not be , based on the testimony of GOD.

We CAN follow each case and bring satisfactory conclusion to each one.
And so we begin by first establishing the procedural order.

  1. Show cause.
    To bring a legitimate case in point within the proper framework.
    Establishing relevance
    Example in this case  ” should we judge each other  “
  2. Presentation of Arguments
    To present what we think , or believe , as reported to be true
  3. Calling witness
    Minimum of 3 or more
    To present scripture in context with the case and determine relevance.
  4. Determination of evidence
    To examine perspectives and weigh the evidence to determine factual testimony.
  5. Conclusion
    To execute sentence

So let’s take a look now at the case in hand.

  1. Should we judge each other ?
  2. Yes.  In general terms we are constantly judging
    or making determinations in reference to everything around us.
    We are literally faced with decisions in almost every waking moment ,
    unless our mental faculty’s  are in someway diminished.
    To make the statement that we are “not to judge others” is simply untrue.
  3. I Corinthians 5:3.
    Paul himself wrote,
    “Even though I am not physically present,
    I am with you in spirit.
    And I have already passed judgment on the one who did this,
    just as if I were present.”
    In this verse the Apostle Paul was referencing the judgment he made
    regarding the sinful actions of a man
    who was committing adultery with his father’s wife.
    He did this just as we are instructed to do.
    We are not called simply to point the accusing finger
    at the one committing the offense …
    but in hopes of  pointing out the truth
    with the    ultimate goal of bringing repentance and restoration to the person;
    James 5:20,
    “Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way
    will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins.I Corinthians 6:2
    “have ye not known that the saints shall judge the world?
    and if by you the world is judged,
    are ye unworthy of the smaller judgments?John 7:24
    “Look beneath the surface so you can judge correctly.””Luke 12:57
    “Why can’t you decide for yourselves what is right?
  4. I therefore say we not only should ,
    but we must be responsible for judgement


I will daily ask the Lord to help me in the execution of HIS word on my behalf , and in love for others.

I pray that you understand what I am saying and that we might journey further together in the word of GOD.

This is a beginning of what I hope to be an exciting time for us all .

I will add more to this after we all have had time to examine what I have written ,
and discussed  , and asked questions that will direct us in our search.

GOD Bless you

KEY WORDS ;  court , witness , throne , seat , sentence , advocate , accuser , rule , law , king , order , ordinance , counsel , decree , determination , testimony

2 comments on “1. HYPOCRISY

  1. Anonymous says:

    We have to first judge ourselves by the word of God .when we know what God says ,then we can and should judge ourselves and others with righteous judgement,not to condemn or hurt ,but in love and to help if we can.


  2. Anonymous says:

    This is truly a very interesting subject!..
    I for one referred to this scripture many many times, thinking that I wasn’t ever to judge…
    I can plainly see, as the scriptures proclaim, not only are we to judge,
    but it is our duty, as followers of Christ..and as you stated…
    beginning with ourselves, with righteous judgement…
    looking forward to a complete study of this topic!


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